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API Security: The Sleeping Giant of Cybercrime – Wake Up Before It’s Too Late

In today’s digital age, APIs have become the backbone of software communication. They are the unsung heroes that enable our apps to interact seamlessly, creating a symphony of data exchange that powers everything from social media platforms to financial services. However, as crucial as they are, APIs also represent a significant security risk.

Salt’s State of API Security Report Q1:2023 reveals that APIs have become a prime target for attackers. Within six months, unique attackers have grown by 400%. Despite this alarming statistic, 30% of respondents admitted to having no API security strategy in place. With the rise of cyber threats, understanding and mitigating API security risks is not just an option; it’s a necessity.

In this blog, we’ll embark on a journey through the labyrinth of API security. We’ll uncover the top risks that lurk in the shadows and arm you with the knowledge to defend against them.

Unearthing the API Security Risks

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) released its first API Security Top 10 list of vulnerabilities to help the API security industry better understand the most common API attacks. Among these, the most common vulnerabilities are:

1.Broken Object Level Authorization (BOLA)

BOLA is the most common and critical security risk, where APIs fail to adequately secure objects when clients request them. This can lead to unauthorized access and data breaches, compromising user data.

2.Broken User Authentication

Broken User Authentication happens when APIs are not strict enough in verifying the identity of their users. This lax security can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive data and functions, making it a prime target for attackers.

3.Excessive Data Exposure

APIs are designed to share data, but what if they share too much? Excessive data exposure occurs when an API exposes more data than is necessary for its intended function. For example, an API meant to display user profiles in an app might inadvertently reveal sensitive information like addresses or payment details. This oversharing not only violates user privacy but also becomes a goldmine for attackers.

4.Lack of Resource and Rate Limiting

Without proper resource and rate limiting, an API is like an all-you-can-eat buffet. This can lead to system overload, where too many requests deplete the system’s resources. Attackers can exploit this by launching DDoS attacks, rendering the API and, by extension, the application, unusable for legitimate users.

5.Injection Flaws

Injection flaws are like tricking a guard into unlocking a door. They occur when untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a command or query. The attacker’s hostile data tricks the interpreter into executing unintended commands or accessing unauthorized data. Common injection flaws include SQL, NoSQL, and Command Injection, each capable of inflicting serious damage.

API Security Défense

APIs are challenging to protect. Traditional solutions can’t handle the complexities of the API ecosystem. Attackers know this, which is why they focus on APIs. The following best practices can help you improve your API security posture:

1.Implement Proper Authentication and Authorization

Just like having a reliable security system in your home, implementing robust authentication and authorization is vital. It’s essential to use strong, industry-standard protocols like OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect. Implement multi-factor authentication for added security and ensure that tokens and credentials are stored and transmitted securely. Remember, a lock is only as strong as its key management.

2.Data Encryption and Protection

Protecting data is akin to safeguarding the crown jewels. Always encrypt sensitive data, both in transit (using TLS) and at rest. Employ best practices like using strong encryption algorithms and regularly updating your encryption keys. It’s not just about keeping the data safe, but also ensuring that even if someone gets their hands on it, it remains an indecipherable puzzle.

3.Throttling and Rate Limiting

Imagine a highway with no speed limits or traffic lights — chaos, right? That’s what an API without throttling and rate limiting looks like. Implementing these controls helps prevent abusive patterns or brute force attacks. Set practical limits on how often your API can be called to maintain availability and service integrity.

4.Input and Output Validation

This is about ensuring that what goes in and out of your API is exactly what should. Input validation helps in filtering out harmful data that might lead to injection attacks. Similarly, output validation ensures that your API doesn’t reveal more than it should. Think of it as having a bouncer for data — only letting in and out what’s appropriate.

5.Conduct Regular API Security Assessments and Penetration Testing

Staying ahead of potential threats is key. Regularly conducting API security assessments and penetration testing on your APIs can uncover vulnerabilities and remediate before attackers can exploit them. Think of these as routine health check-ups for your API, ensuring it’s in top shape to face any security challenges.


API security is not a one-time fix but a continuous process of improvement and adaptation. By doing so, you not only protect your systems but also build trust with your users – a priceless asset in the digital world.

As we conclude, I invite you to take a moment to reflect on your current API security measures. Are there areas you can improve? Have you conducted an API security assessment to identify any potential vulnerabilities? Use this blog as a starting point to assess and enhance your API security posture. At Cyber Forte, we specialize in conducting API security assessments & Advance Penetration Test reach out to us if you need assistance.


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