
Protect Your Business from Cyber Threats with a Firewall Configuration Review

A firewall acts as a barrier allowing network traffic in and out of the organisation. However, firewalls are not infallible, and misconfigurations leave businesses exposed to cyber-attacks. A comprehensive firewall configuration review by Cyber Forte involves analysing the firewall configuration, rules, policies, and settings to identify any potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities. It also ensures that

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Cyber Security News Weekly Round-Up (Vulnerabilities, Cyber Attacks, Threats & New Stories)

The weekly cybersecurity news summary highlights the recent threats, vulnerabilities, innovations, and emerging attack vectors. This ongoing awareness facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the threat landscape that is evolving at a rapid pace. This enables timely implementation of appropriate security measures and ensures robust system protection against constantly emerging security threats. Cyber Attacks TeamViewer Hacked

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Protect Your Business from Cyber Threats with a Firewall Configuration Review

A firewall acts as a barrier allowing network traffic in and out of the organisation. However, firewalls are not infallible, and misconfigurations leave businesses exposed to cyber-attacks. As cyber threats continue to evolve and increase in sophistication, it has become more important than ever for businesses to prioritise the security of their digital assets. One

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Australia will now fine firms up to AU$50 million for data breaches

Australia will now fine firms up to AU$50 million for data breaches

The financial penalty introduced by the new bill is set to whichever is greater: Previously, the penalty for severe data exposures was AU$2.22 million, considered wholly inadequate to incentivize companies to improve their data security mechanisms. The new bill comes in response to a series of recent cyberattacks against Australian companies, including ransomware and network

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